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Guy Guide: Proper way to wear perfume

It would seem silly that I am posting a guy guide on the proper way to wear perfume. It’s like common sense right? But as a matter of fact we should never underestimate how putting on of perfume the wrong way could ruin your day!

My favorite Hugo Dark Blue as shown in Hugo.com

This is what happened to me last week. lol! I am so excited about my new perfume that I didn’t realize that I oversprayed it the whole day. You see it all started when I went to office in the morning. After putting on a very few drops I started to love the scent. Afterwards I passed by one of my officemates and she told me “Damn Chris you really smell great!”. To my excitement and much flattery I started to spray more drops of perfume about every two hours until five in the afternoon when I was about to go home. It was then that I realized that I oversprayed it because by the day’s end, I smelled like a barber shop! (I hope you know what I mean). The smell was just so strong. lol

Anyway after that experience here are some of the things that I would suggest when wearing your perfume:

1. Body sprays should be applied to pulse areas, neck and obviously your body. This is a good thing to do since our skin’s heat amplifies the scent of our perfume.

2. Avoid rubbing the scent on your palm. Let the perfume dry naturally on your skin to preserve the scent. Most perfumes lose their scent after rubbing so leave it to dry after spraying.

3. Avoid spraying on clothes. Aside from risking to stain your clothes it is difficult to remove the scent especially when you overspray it like what happened to me.

Follow these three simple steps when wearing your perfume. After all you don’t want to smell like a barbershop or do you? 🙂

Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


  • another tip. don’t spray the cologne directly to your body. i-spray mo sa hangin, tapos salubungin mo yung scent na parang didikit sa yo. gawin mo ‘to pagkatapos mag-shower para mas matagal maalis sa katawan mo yung scent.

  • thanks ^^… another thing, i learned that we instantly get used to the smell of our perfume in just a few minutes… minsan kala mo wala ng amoy ng pabango mo yun pala meron pa… tapos mag spray ka only to realize that nasobrahan ka na ng pabango..

  • wow.. nice tips.. and nice blog.. ex-links? i already added you to mine

  • just want add more info. even if we use the same perfume it will smell differently. hindi mo sya manonotice but an expert in perfume will surely know it. Everything Chris said is really true. I tried it myself. Sa umaga lang ako naglalagay. Body spray after wash and perfume sa may leeg at behind my ears and on my risks.

  • chris: mas maganda madagdag mo yung type ng pabango lam ko kase may effect din sa “skin tone” yung perfume na gamit natin.

  • Another info lng.

    Choose a perfume na bagay sa sweat mo then they mix especially during the afternooons if morning mo sya nilagay. May chemistry dapat ang sweat mo at ang perfume mo. That’s the reason why mas maganda ang amoy ng ibang perfume on others kasi their sweat either mixes, or amplifies or “remodels” the scent depending on the reaction and compostion.

    TRIVIA: Imelda marcos had her sweat analyzed in France or Switzerland (but I think more true if sa France kasi sa Grasse, France ang isa sa mga scent and perfume capitals of the world ~ even raw ingredients comes from there) and told the chemists there to formulate a perfume with would be chemically compatible with her sweat making the perfume last longer and the longer it stays and mixes, the better the scent over the course of the day. Her perfume cannot be copied.

    TRIVIA 2: what chris was trying to say na d na nating narerecognize ang sarili nating scent after a few sec/min/hours is what we OLFACTORY FATIGUE. Used na sa scent ang ilong natin.

  • talaga cataclysmic? Nice trivia.

    BTW, do you know some of the perfumes for men which smell good when mixed with sweat? I know Hugo is a good example.

  • OO Chris,

    Yes, hugo is one of the best. I used to spritz some before leaving from my dad’s collection. and true enough I have the scent all day kahit after going for a nite out pa at the end of the day. Addidas red is also nice. dunhill nice din. Escada nice rin. Calvin Klein ok din.

  • thanks sa tips kuya chris!
    this site really helps me pra madagdagan ang pogi points ko.,
    sa GF ko., hehe.,

    hndi ko alam ang way ng pag-spray ng perfume.
    i just spray into my shirt and that’s it., haha.,

    btw, thanks po!
    try ko ung tips nyo! 🙂

  • @Pao – no worries. try mo effective yan 😀

    welcome nga pala sa PGG and hope to see you around 🙂

  • additional tips…
    1. you can wear cologne (just cologne) on your hair…hahaha… paghindi ka nakapagshampoo…
    2. the best time to spray your perfume or afterbath cologne is after you have taken a bath… bcoz it is during that time the our pores open and scent will get in the pores… that’s why when you sweat in the middle of the day, you’ll smell damn so good…
    3. we can spray a scent on our clothes if and only if it is a cologne, alcohol based kasi yan, it evaporates coz it’s volatile…
    4. it’s a no no to spray different scents on different parts of your body…

  • Hi 🙂

    Lacoste – HotPlay
    not that strong but sure is remarkable and noticeable when you pass by a chick.

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