For me, nothing compares to the Spider-man movies. I just love it from the very start. See, what I like about the film is that unlike any other, it just keeps getting better and better! And if you want to have an idea of how successful Spider-man is, take a look at the cinemas of SM and other malls. You would see that all their cinemas are showing Spiderman, that is Cinemas 1-12 like in Megamall. This is the first time I’ve seen something like this. It’s like there’s no other film besides Spiderman at the moment. After all it’s truly worth watching it.
Review of Spider-man 3
Of the three Spider-man movies, Spider-man 3 is the best (though I like Spider-man 1 and 2 a lot as well). I like how the characters and the story are done. So beautifully made.
The Character of Spiderman – a true blue superhero!
The character of Peter Parker as Spiderman is what amazes me the most. The fact that he is not a “PERFECT” superhero is something so realistic. Something that is so genuine. Here in Spiderman 3 he’s ego has changed and he became a braggart thus pushing his friends and MJ away. You could see that sometimes success and fame indeed blinds a person that he could no longer remember where he came from. This is what happened to Peter and it does happen to all of us in real life.

The Action, Drama and Story
Unlike the previous Spiderman movies, Spiderman 3 contains lots of actions – and story as well. It’s not just all fight scenes. There’s drama, comedy, romance, adventure and best of all ACTION twists!
[Action & Adventure]When it comes to action, I could say that the fight scenes were astoundingly SUPERB! Everyone in the theater I went to were all holding their breath (I included). Sandman and Venom were just perfect as villains. And I want to compliment how well they animated Sandman. It was “wicked cool”! You’re right, I quoted that from the kid in Spiderman 3. 😀
[Comedy]It was not surprising too that they added lots of comedy to the movie as we’ve seen this a lot in previous Spiderman movies. In particular I like the parts where Peter was dancing on the streets. Also I couldn’t stop laughing at the waiter in the restaurant where Peter was going to propose to MJ. It was just so hilarious. Oh and don’t forget the Editor in Chief of the Daily Bugle who was being “shocked” on his desk everytime he was getting angry. 😀
[Drama and Romance (may contain spoilers)]The character of MJ as Peter’s girlfriend is something where guys could learn a lot in handling love and relationships. In Spiderman 3, we have seen that Peter wasn’t around everytime MJ had problems. But inspite all of that MJ was still there for him. IT was Peter and his ego who was pushing MJ away.
Harry Osborn on the other hand showed the true value of friendship. Though Peter had hurt him several times he was still there as his bestfriend and stood by him until the very end. It was sad though that he died in the end after helping Spiderman fight Venom and Sandman.
Summary and Overall Comment
Spiderman is perfect. The movie instills to us lessons in life that we ourselves could apply. Here we have seen the true value of friendship, love, relationships and best of all forgiveness. The characters in Spiderman 3 all had their own story. We’ve seen that Sandman is not really a bad person after all.
I also liked how Spiderman was implied to be somewhat religious. He went to the steeple of the Church to reflect what he has done to the people who loved him. It’s not ordinary for superhero movies to show something like this.
The film also had some beautiful quotes to remember. I like the part where Peter said this: “Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right.” – This quotation is just brilliant! It has now become my favorite. It’s simple yet it has a very great impact to all of us because between good and evil, we know that the best thing to do is to do what is right. 😀
Anyway I hope there would be a Spider-man 4! So for those who haven’t seen it yet.. Then what are you waiting for? This could be your last chance to see Spidey on the theater…
My Rating: 10/10
Spiderman Trailer – Click to play below