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Preparing to Build a New "You" on the New Year

As 2007 comes to a close, there are great things that guys ought to know as we wrap-up the year 2007 and welcome a brand new 2008. In this post, I’d like to share with you some of the few things that I’ve thought of over the past few days to aid in one’s self improvement and build a better “you”.

1. Make a final reflection on the past year
It has been a long year. Try to ask yourself what have you done for the past year. Has it been fruitful? What are your triumphs and failures? Reflect and analyze what you have done and make sure to learn from failures then bury them in the past. Afterwards, take your triumphs with you and keep moving forward.

2. Plan on how to boost a better career
A working professional like you could think things over and ask yourself what you can do to get a job promotion. You could also think of many ways on how you could earn more by having a part-time job or putting up a business. This is all about managing your income and making the most out of your money. Remember, saving up for your future is very important and the best time to think and to revisit your plans is on the new year.

If you’re a student on the other hand you could find your own ways on how to excel. Why not try making it to the Dean’s List this time? Or how about aiming to become MVP this coming year? It seems to be too idealistic, but aiming for something is better than aiming for nothing.

3. Practice on improving your looks
I have mentioned a while back in PGG that men deserve to look good too. So, join a gym, groom yourself and dress to impress!

4. Enhance your relationships
We sometimes neglect people around us. I, for one, occasionally push close friends away unknowingly due to the busy -“ness” of my schedule brought about by my work and my hobbies as well. As a result I’ve learned to balance things out from day to day and to distribute my time for loved ones, for work, for hobbies, and of course for leisure.

Feel free to add more to this list. Have a Happy New Year!

Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.

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