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For women, flowers will always do the trick!

Unless a girl is allergic to flowers, nothing will ever beat giving a bouquet on any given occasion. And since Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away, you might want to think of getting your girl a bouquet of flowers…

Now, why is it so important to know that giving flowers will always do the trick?

Well this is for one very simple reason:

No woman could ever buy herself a bouquet of flowers!

She could buy chocolates, jewelries and all other things you could think of – but never flowers! Now let me ask you: Have you ever seen a girl buying herself roses? I guess not because it looks pathetic. Let’s face it, only us men have the power to give women flowers.

So gentlemen, this February 14, I bet you know what to do for your date.

Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.

1 comment

  • “No woman could ever buy herself a bouquet of flowers!”…. i accept this very strongly because my fiancee is used to get the flowers from the shop.. not buy… (see am saying getting…. not buying….). she always used to wait for me near the flower shop… when I see her i should buy the flower for her.. otherwise she will be used to always pointing me that am not interested with her so only am refused to buy the flowers for her..

    what the lovely hell it is…!!

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