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Shades of Summer

The past few days have been rainy that I almost forgot that it’s still summer. Oh no, what happened to the climate?

Anyway, I bought a couple of stylish, inexpensive shades for the hot season as shown in the photos below:




I don’t really buy costly sunglasses for two reasons. First, is that I’m not used to wearing any type of glasses since I have 20/20 vision (based on my last check-up). Second, is that you wouldn’t wear them everyday unless you are on field work during noon or you just like wearing shades even if there is no sunlight (a big NO-NO). For these reasons, I only get myself sunglasses for summer trips to the beach.

As you can see, big, aviator sunglasses are still the in thing for men today. But it doesn’t really suit everyone because it depends on the shape of one’s face. I’m happy that these sunglasses look good on me. How about you?
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Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


  • where did you get them? and how much is inexpensive? good buys indeed!

    i like everything except the color of the lens. i go for dark ones/ close to black.

  • I actually have this pair of big glasses from penshoppe with a slightly dark lense and yellow frame… though I feel like a bug, I love the way it fits me and make me give a young “pop” culture kid look 😛

  • Jessie – haha! well it depends on who wears them. some could really pull off any color of the lens.

    angelo – These are from SM. They are only around 200 Pesos, which I think is just about right for the summer getaways.

    ciro_72 – yeah, there are also some from Penshoppe which look really good.

  • YSL aviators are cool!! U shud try gettin one too.! if ur familiar wd Johnny Knoxville of “Jackass”, d shades he wears are frm Yves Saint Laurent!.

  • “I’m happy that these sunglasses look good on me.”
    Oh? Sample nga. LOL.

    Right. The shape of the face should also be taken consideration. One shape of shades that look good on one man doesn’t mean that it will also look good to another.

    You know what’s nice with *fabulous* shades, Chris? Kasi kahit pupunta ka ng mall para lang bumili ng isang bagay, tapos naka pambahay ka lang with a white shirt and shorts, kapag naka shades ka, ang astig pa rin ng porma, db? hehe. Pansin ko lang kasi sa akin, haha. 🙂

  • Nero – got a photo of YSL? I think these are pretty expensive.

    Bunsoi – maybe next time. haha

  • i got it frm YSL rive gauche store in waikiki
    It sells for 270$, hvent worn it though, cuz im still
    enjoyin my Armani sport shield aviator, u can check
    my myspace if u wna see the photos…sme email add.

  • tnx Chris!,.thats my A|X Sports Shield sunglasses.
    Perfect for the beach!.

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