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Some things about the number 4

I’m going to take a short break from the usual men’s fashion posts and talk about a few special things about the number 4.

Pinoy Guy Guide turns 4!

Last February 24, Pinoy Guy Guide turned 4 years old! Wow, that was really fast! In a span of 4 years, we have seen tremendous changes in men’s clothing and men’s lifestyle and I’m really sure there’s more to come. With that said, I’m hoping for more PGG viewers, more PGG forum members, more PGG feed readers and yes, more PGG likes on Facebook! And if you are thinking of contributing to the blog in your own way or if you have suggestions in mind, please feel free to shoot me an email at or contact me here.

By the way, I am very thrilled about the way the PGG Forums is turning out. Lots of guys are now joining there and talking about boys stuff and the likes. I’ve also learned that many guys at the forums have gained new friends and are regularly hanging-out in real life. Isn’t that cool? From online friends to real life friends. Well, I really do hope to meet you guys some time.


University of Santo Tomas is now 4 centuries old!

Image credit: Huno | License

My bad, I wasn’t able to attend UST’s historic celebration of its quadricentennial anniversary (1611-2011) last January since my office is quite far from school and it was a weekday. Nevertheless, I am taking my time now to show some love and to greet my alma mater a Happy 400th Birthday!

You know, college in UST was one of the happiest days in my student life. I will never forget how much I enjoyed this school.

By the way, I’m curious – are there any Thomasian readers out there? Put your hands up in the air and comment below. Go USTe!


I Am Number 4 is the BOMB!

Image credit: MovieWallpaper

Last Saturday, my girlfriend and I watched the movie “I Am Number Four” in the cinema and damn, it was really really good! It’s a must-see movie and it is currently my most favorite movie (I have now seen it twice and I’m hoping for a sequel). Good actors, great storyline, superb special effects and the best thing about it is that the 2 girls in the movie are deym hot – Dianna Agron and Teresa Palmer.


Dianna Agron | Image credit: IGN

Okay, alright enough said. I don’t want to give out spoilers to those who haven’t seen it. Just make sure you don’t miss this one!


Image credit (candle number 4): Existentist | License

Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


  • Chris! I don’t know if you can still remember me but I am one of the first few people who posted comments when you were still starting your journey in the online world. We are proud Thomasians!
    Congratulations for making it this far. I wasn’t able to maintain blogging due to lack of motivation to write. But I’m starting again.
    Again, congratulations! Cheers!

  • Dennis/noyskie/marky/bert – thank you!!!

    Jameson – i know, right? she’s hot! 😀

    bass – yep, Thomasian here. you too?

    bobbyjonc – thank you! of course I remember you! I recall that we used to be both on blogspot that time right? haha. the good old days.

    I was looking for your site. I’m glad that you are now back to blogging and this time you have your own domain too. congratulations! 🙂

  • Congrats Chris….

    I also watched I am number four but I didn’t like the story. kakabitin. But I have to agree that Diana Agron is so hot. The reason why I watched the movie. 🙂

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