Look what I just stumbled upon today. A new men’s razor that has wheels!
It’s called the HeadBlade All-Terrain Razor (ATX) and it is built especially for guys.
What is it for? It’s used primarily for shaving your head – the reason why it has a pair of front wheels.
HeadBlade originated from the US and is currently the only head-shaving product that has been featured in New York City’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) for its state of the art design.
So is the HeadBlade ATX for you? On top of my head (no pun intended), I can think of four types of guys who would need this:
1. Guys who want to transform their style and image to project a “rebel” look by shaving their head.
2. Guys who are professional athletes, like UFC fighters or Mixed Martial Arts hobbyists, whose hair gets in the way during competitions.
3. Guys who want to shave their hair to support a worthy cause.
4. Guys who have problems with thinning hair and receding headline.
Back in the day, if you are one of the four types of guys I mentioned, you’d go to your friendly neighborhood barbershop to get rid of all your hair. But with the arrival of HeadBlade, you can now do that all by yourself.
The HeadBlade ATX is a unique and marvelous piece of engineering. Its ergonomics is brilliant, especially how it fits your fingers precisely as you use it.
During shaving sessions, you would first need to trim your hair with a hair clipper until it is short enough to shave. You would then need to glide the HeadBlade by leading it with its front wheels while the razor at the back cuts the short stumps of hair as it gets pulled behind. Here’s a video to demonstrate how it works.
HeadBlade says that while their product is best used for shaving a dude’s mane, it can also be used for shaving your beard and your body hair (yes guys, if you are proud of your physique, why not show it off? LOL). Since I don’t have plans on shaving my head, I tried it on my beard and it worked just fine. Out of curiosity, I also tried to shave small hairs on my chest and it worked effectively too. It now makes me curious what it is like to use this on my head, but I don’t think I’m going that route anytime soon. Anyway, if you plan on getting one for yourself, I suggest you read the owner’s manual before using it. This is for you to understand the safety precautions as well as the do’s and don’ts.
HeadBlade has an ecosystem of products. Aside from selling different variations of their razors, they have a line of shaving creams and cartridge refills. Unfortunately, as of this writing, they are only available in the Philippines through their local online store at www.HeadBladePH.com. I’m hoping it becomes available in mainstream retail stores soon.
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