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Two Summer Bags in One: Wrangler Backpack + Flight Bag

Wrangler is pretty good in making two-in-one gear for guys.

First, we had that bomber jacket that I bought a few years ago which has removable sleeves (literally). And now, we have this cool backpack here that also has tricks under its sleeves (figuratively). You’ll be surprised.

Wrangler Men's Backpack (1)


Wrangler Men's Backpack (15)


On initial look, this men’s bag appears just like any other backpack. But if you look closer and try to inspect, this front compartment right here…

Wrangler Men's Backpack (6)


…is actually removable. It is fastened by a button in the middle…

Wrangler Men's Backpack (07)


And a pair of zippers on each side.

Wrangler Men's Backpack (08)


Now watch closely.

Once you unfasten the button and unzip it on the sides…

Wrangler Men's Backpack (24)


Voila! You have another bag!

Wrangler Men's Backpack (10)


The smaller bag is actually a flight bag which has its own strap.

Wrangler Men's Backpack (12)

Wrangler Men's Backpack (17)

Wrangler Men's Backpack (18)

Wrangler Men's Backpack (21)


Pretty cool huh? It’s especially useful for overnight trips where you have the entire backpack with you where you carry all your stuff as you travel. Then as soon as you reach your destination and are ready to party, you would just detach the smaller flight bag from the bigger one to bring only the essential things with you such as your phone, your wallet and probably a small bottle of fragrance.


Follow Pinoy Guy Guide on Instagram for upcoming news on men’s fashion and men’s bags.

Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


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