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The Art of Shaving Tells Men The Four Elements of the Perfect Shave

Did you know that shaving is an art?


Well, you are not alone. I didn’t know either until I discovered The Art of Shaving New York men’s shaving kit.


In a time when everybody is living in the fast lane, a shaving foam plus a razor is usually the way to go. Because for most of us, the perfect shave is one which is the fastest. So we end up settling for any method that will get rid of our mustache and beard in less than 5 minutes.

But the guys from The Art of Shaving disagree because for them, the perfect shave is much more than that. They tell guys that the perfect shave is one which is free from razor cuts and one that leaves your face and neck clean and free from the tiniest stubble.

So what did they do? They came up with the The Art of Shaving kit which consists of the four elements of the perfect shave as pictured below and as described step-by-step as follows:


The Four Elements of the Perfect Shave

1.  Prepare

This is the first step to the perfect shave. In order to prepare for shaving, men are advised to apply some warm water to their beard and mustache then apply The Art of Shaving Pre-Shave Oil to provide a protective barrier and improve the razor glide.

2. Lather Up!

The next thing you need to do is to lather up using The Art of Shaving Shaving Cream which is formulated with Glycerin for a close and comfortable shave. You can use the Badger Shaving Brush that comes with the kit to generate a rich, warm lather right on your face.

3. Shave

Dip your razor in hot water then afterwards begin shaving your beard and your mustache. Since hair may grow in different directions, you have to glide your razor against the grain of your beard. Repeat step 2 (i.e. re-lather) as needed.

4. Moisturize

After shaving, rinse your face and neck with cold water and dry with towel. Then use The Art of Shaving After Shave Balm which is formulated with Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil to help relax and moisturize your sensitive skin after shaving.

*    *    *    *


As you may have probably noticed, The Art of Shaving kit focuses more on the preparation aspect of shaving rather than the type of razor that you use.  That’s because it has been said that “A good lather is already half the shave”.

And I agree.

Based from my own experience, using warm water and lathering my face with shaving oil and cream greatly reduced razor cuts and resulted to a very close and clean shave leaving my face without a tiny trace of stubble. It truly is a perfect shave!

But let’s be honest. Of course, a perfect shave like the one I’m describing here takes a while and is something which you cannot do when you are in a hurry for a 7 AM meeting. So for me, I do The Art of Shaving ritual once a week, typically during the weekends when I have plenty of time to spare for self-pampering after a long hard week at work.

While The Art of Shaving kit is not yet readily available here in the Philippines, the steps to a perfect shave remains the same. That is, Prepare, Lather Up, Shave and Moisturize. Yes, it’s an art, isn’t it?


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Hi, my name is Chris and I am the founder of Pinoy Guy Guide. As a guy living in Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines, I have a strong interest in writing about men's fashion, lifestyle, pop culture and gear for guys.


  • Thank you posting this informative blog on the proper way of shaving. Men are not always careful while shaving, This post will help a lot of people on the correct way of shaving. Looking forward to read more exciting blogs in the future.

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