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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
January 18, 2014

A resident of Legazpi City, Albay, Jonathan here shows us how he spent a relaxing day on a bike without sacrificing his sense of style.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
January 12, 2014

In this PGG Show Your Style post, Bonn, 19, shows us a not-so-strict, as a matter of fact, a loosely-defined version of formal. He wore this outfit at a hip debut of his female friend who turned 18.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
January 5, 2014

Bibo, a guy who works as a consultant at the House of Representatives during the day and an event organizer by night and on the weekends shows us what his style is like for both work and play.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 31, 2013

It's the time again when we take a trip down the memory lane and see what has happened in the past year.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 29, 2013

A real estate agent, Hermes, 21, shows us dressing up simply, for a casual and outdoor after-sunset date.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 27, 2013

In this post, Marky, a resident of Rizal and a long-time PGG reader, shows us his style and tells us how to be fashionable without overspending. His trick? Mix and match.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 24, 2013

I got invited last week to a Christmas party with other bloggers. The attire? All-white semi-formal.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 19, 2013

adidas Originals has always been known not only as a sports gear but also as a casual menswear promoting street fashion and styles in clothing.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 18, 2013

In this post, Marc, a 17-year-old dude taking up Engineering in Pampanga shows us his get-up. Marc tells me that he's into playing the guitar and drums so music and rock reflects in the way he dresses-up. Take it away, Marc!

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 8, 2013

In this post, John Paul, a student from a university in Batangas and also a part-time singer shows us his style during out-of-town trips and his get-up during live singing performances. Let's give it up for JP!

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 6, 2013

An Electronics and Communications Engineering graduate, Vijay, from Valenzuela City, shows his style here on Pinoy Guy Guide.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 3, 2013

An art student and fellow blogger, Michael shows his style which involves denim blues.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
December 1, 2013

It's December 1st, and by now, you might have noticed that the Holiday Rush has officially started with traffic jams everywhere.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 29, 2013

In this post, Zandy, a loyal PGG reader who works in Saudi Arabia, drops by to give us all a high-five and tell us more about how to be stylish, without overdoing it.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 26, 2013

A senior college student majoring in English at DLSU Manila, William over here drops by to show us his typical style when going to school.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 19, 2013

An IT professional, a jetsetter and a travel blogger, Dan, who blogs about his most memorable trips shows us a couple of his themed get-ups.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 15, 2013

Exactly what should you wear during the cold months or when you are out-of-the-country traveling to winter-cold cities? In this post, PGG reader Jay, shows us his get-up during his recent trip to South Korea.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 7, 2013

Nothing beats a laid-back outfit on a relaxing weekend. In this post, PGG reader Clifford, a BS Marine Transportation student from Agusan del Norte, shows us his style: Simple and easy-going.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
November 2, 2013

In this post, PGG reader Vivren, from Makati City shows that auditors like him are not just about balancing sheets, debits and credits, but also showing off some swag and style in everyday life as well.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 26, 2013

So let's get the ball rolling for PGG Show Your Style 3. In this post, PGG reader Lewej, all the way from Dagupan City drops by to show us his style and what he likes to wear.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 24, 2013

So I've been receiving entries for PGG Show Your Style 3 in my email. But the burning question remains: What are the prizes?

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 20, 2013

Philippine Fashion Week is happening this week. So do you want to get free passes to the invite-only Penshoppe Fashion Show and get to see the upcoming trends in men's fashion and a glimpse of hot female models?

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 18, 2013

Dude, let's turn the tables around because this time, I'd like to put the spotlight on you. Yes, you. It's your turn to show off your coolest outfit and your trendiest style to all the followers of PGG and in turn, you get a chance to win awesome prizes.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 16, 2013

It was a rainy night last Thursday and after having dinner at a fastfood restaurant along Ayala Avenue in Makati, my date and I realized that we were both stranded. There were no cabs to be found and we saw long queues and a plethora of people waiting at shuttle terminals.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
October 5, 2013

What exactly is smart casual? It is perhaps one of the most confusing dress codes ever invented because of the fact that it is so loosely-defined. There's no concrete definition and sometimes, it is mostly based on how you interpret it.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
September 22, 2013

In a time when all cities around the world are banning plastic bags and replacing them with brown paper bags, it seems that saving the environment is the next "in" and most sensible thing to do.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
September 9, 2013

As a kid, I grew up in Kenya, a former British colony. It's a long story but I remember during my preparatory days, I used to go to some kind of an international school where students of different nationalities and mixed races studied together.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
August 24, 2013

I have good news for you guys. Especially for those who are big fans of Marks & Spencer like me. And if you are not a fan yet, maybe you'll change your mind after reading this.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
August 21, 2013

Local brand Solo has been really successful with their comic book prints on their apparel. They've done it well in the past few years with Larry Alcala, Kenkoy and Pupung collection. This 2013, they are launching yet another comic book-inspired clothes from Manix Abrera's Kikomachine.

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  • Chris
  • Posted by Chris
August 16, 2013

Unless you live in the cold mountainous region of Baguio City, there are only a few days in a year when you can wear a jacket as part of your get-up here in Manila. One would be during the cold months of November and December leading up to Christmas. And the other would be during the rainy and stormy months from June to September.

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