I was with my friends last time at Bonifacio High Street. It has been quite some time since I've last been there and I am really liking the new area called High Street Central. It's more spacious and has a very relaxing view near the fountain.
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Ask any guy what he would do when he wins the lottery and you'll hear something like: "I want to buy a car, buy a house and go travel around the world with some gorgeous girl". And that is precisely in that order.
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What comes into your head if you are peeing in a men's urinal like this?
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I am currently checking out Globe Tattoo Superstick - you know that cool portable wi-fi that you can carry around anywhere and which fits in your pocket? Yea, that's it - another cool toy for the big boys.
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I don't smoke but I have friends and relatives who do. However, I once did try to smoke for about a week or two just for the heck of it and out of plain curiosity but I stopped immediately before getting addicted to it.
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I started 2011 with a blast! I recently bought my newest toy - The Pioneer RSM400DV Mini Component System.
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