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parting words before you logout

Started by joshgroban, July 07, 2010, 11:29:47 AM

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cheers to that. please be a light week.


What a day.. how I wish end of quarter is over!!!






may meeting at movie nights lang... byers muna!


got to go home; good bye for now. ;D

"smile with your liver"
                          -Ketut (eat pray love)




alis na ulit ako pero bago ako umalis, gusto ko muna magpost ng isang magandang panimulang babasahin sa iba.

Dealing with Uncertainty

There is risk in any undertaking, and it is wise to minimize risk whenever possible. Yet to avoid risk completely is the greatest risk of all. When you move forward, there is always the possibility of defeat. Yet if you never move forward at all, then defeat is certain. 

There will always be plenty of excuses for standing still, for not taking action. But excuses offer no comfort or refuge when viewed in the unrelenting light of reality. What matters is what is done, what is undertaken and what is achieved. 

Courage is not the absence of fear. Those with the most courage also know the greatest fear. Courage is the determination to act in the face of fear, the ability to learn from fear, to be energized by fear, and to use that knowledge and that energy to move successfully through the fear. 

Action does not assure success, and yet directed, focused action is the only way to achieve success. We live and grow and prosper and find fulfillment because of the risks we have taken, because of the challenges we have accepted, because of the fears we have transcended. 

Life is a process of successfully dealing with uncertainty. Our bodies are designed for it, our minds are made for it, and our spirits are energized by the challenges of moving positively ahead, whatever the risks may be.

-- Ralph Marston --


salamat noy ikaw ba si pnoy hahaha tulog na ko



kailangan ko na ulit magpaalam. pero para sa mga magsisimula plng ng araw, ito para sa inyo:

Here's a good way to start your day.

Today Matters

Live today like it matters. Because it does.

There are people you'll never even know who will be influenced by what you do today. So give this day your attention, your love, your very best.

There are ways that you cannot now imagine in which your own life will be influenced by the way you live this day. So live it with integrity, enthusiasm and an eye for the positive possibilities.

The world in which you live will be affected by the way you make use of this day. So fill your moments with thankfulness, imagination and joy.

Today matters, and right now you have the chance to make it matter in a most positive and fulfilling way. Today is the day when your life is lived, and many things in your life will be determined by what you do with today.

If you take this whole day for granted, it will leave you with nothing but regret. Yet it does not have to be that way. Live today like it matters, for now is when you truly can.

-- Ralph Marston --


i-add ko din to:

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

- Master Oogway