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Tips for Jobhunters in this world of growing global recession

Started by jorelle, March 22, 2009, 11:05:41 PM

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Prepare to Ace Your Job Interview with This Interview One-Sheeter

As you know, preparation is the key to doing well on a job interview and hirers tend to ask the same kinds of questions. This job interview one-sheeter is like a CliffsNotes for getting your strategic answers together.

Shared by Jenny Blake of LifeAfterCollege, the Google Docs template covers seven key questions or topic areas for you to bullet-point your examples, including how you're suited for the position, what your weaknesses are, what excites you, challenges you've overcome, and goals you have in the future. There's an area for questions you have for the company (such as issues or challenges about the job) and other notes (perhaps personal sound bites would be good here).

Just filling out the sheet can help you prepare, but you can also bring it to your interview and quickly glance at it while waiting (nice to have on you just in case). (eto yung link ng Job Interview One-Sheeter)


Sana makatulong :)


Quote from: jorelle on March 22, 2009, 11:05:41 PM
Ang hirap maghanap ng trabaho especially ngayon na may financial crisis sa mundo
anong tips ang pede niyong maibigay saming mga fresh grads in order to easily find a job?

hahaha thanks  ;D

Matagal na 'to. Haha. A few weeks back, an acquaintance was asking for tips. Una, industry-dependent ang hiring. Pag highly specialized field, most of the time, if not all the time, you bypass the usual HR stuff. A co-worker got a LinkedIn message from the treasury manager of a large bank. interview + offer agad. I got a call from a friend of an ex-boss who has a startup. phone + dinner + offer.

Kapag fresh grad,
1. Research, research, research. Navigate around the website of your prospect company. If you don't have the name  of your interviewer yet, try to ask your contact if they can give it to you. Then stalk. Hehe. It will impress them if you know a thing or two about their professional experience. But do not ever cross the personal line. Wag pag-usapan ang vacation pics ng interviewer mo.
Pro-tip: Always check the mission, vision, goals, history of the company. It's usually under the About Us section of the website. And then relate your personal qualities to theirs.

2. Always sell yourself. Focus on specific personal experiences and relate it to the questions being asked. I think these traits are cross-industry so here's the list of what you need to highlight:
a. willingness to learn and be trained.
b. capability to work on your own (self-starter, self-initiative) but also capacity to work with others. explain how you volunteer for projects and enjoy working with others accomplish the goal.
c. drive to excel and succeed and contribute to the company.
Pro-tip: Gamitin ang mga magic words na ito:
##I don't want to just clock in and out of work. I want to be an active force that help shape the future of the company.
##I aim to be better everyday so I can contribute to the success of the company.
##I understand that by putting integrity and excellence in my role as an analyst [or whatever], I am helping the firm realize its goal/mission/vision keme.

3. Echoing what Mang Kulas said, you're just a fresh grad. Wag kang ano. Wala kang karapatang humingi ng mas mataas na sweldo dahil wala ka pang napapatunayan. Yung mga may laude, matik na may plus na yan sa basic nila.

4. Ask questions. After each interview,  the recruiter/manager will give you time to ask questions. Remember, work is two-way. So as much as you want to impress them, they should impress you too. Plus, if you ask questions, it gives them the impression that you are interested, you want to clarify things. In short, pabibo in a positive way.
Pro-tip: Different stages of hiring are concerned with different aspects of you. So ask appropriate questions.
For HR level, safe questions are, ##Why do you like working for this company? ##How does the company give back to the community? pabibo quesiton to.

For supervisor/manager level:
##What's a day in the life of an analyst like? you're asking here anong oras pumapasok at umuuwi ang mga tao. toxic ba ang work? routinary? puro ad-hoc? madalas ba facetime with the boss
##What are the key traits of the successful people in your team? What kind of people do you like in this role, in your team? make sure though that you have already highlighted your key traits as in #2. what you're doing here is you are solidifying in his/her mind that: eto ka, eto hanap nya, swak na swak.
##Why are you hiring? what you're asking here are the following: is the vacancy because someone got fired, someone got promoted, is the company expanding, something like that.

take note, if you get hired and you accept the offer, this guy/gal will be your boss. so by asking these questions, you get to see how your future boss reacts, talks. his/her communication style, etc.  so get to know him/her now and evaluate if you're okay with him/her before it's too late.

For VP/C/President/Owner level:
## What is your vision of the company? or where is the company now in the map you have laid out? pabibo question ulit. pa-curious kunwari
## I understand that your company does this and that. How does it give back to the community? you show your knowledge of the company and you will know the soft side of things.

Limit yourself to 2-3 questions. Huwag sumobra sa pabibo.

5. Make sure before you leave the room, they can remember your name and at least two (2) of your qualities.

6. Pro-Pro-tip: Practice interviews. And no I don't mean facing yourself in the mirror or role-playing with a friend.  Apply to a company that you will never ever work for. Just send your resume and then if they invite you for an interview, GO! This is your time to actually test if you are really prepared for an interview. Confidence booster to pag nakarating ka sa interview with the higher ups. When I left the company I worked for about 3-4 years, nag-practice interview ako kasi tingin ko kinalawang ako. So I applied at 1 bank (got to manager-level interview), 2 or 3 call centers (job offers na marami ahaha), and a security firm (job offer din) just for me to brush up my interview skills. And boy I nailed that interview for the job I really want.

Last few reminders:
1. Recruitment is very costly. If they invite you for an interview, that means they like you and they are already considering you for the job. What that means is, don't fuck it up. Don't give them a reason not to hire you.
2. They don't know you. So whatever you say, how you say it will impact their perception of you. Remember, perception defeats reality. So manage that perception effectively and carefully.
3. References almost always give encouraging words to recruiters more than you deserve. Of course, they don't want to be the bad person or the reason why you're not getting hired. So choose well.