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Started by sayonara, February 28, 2014, 08:15:20 AM

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Quote from: SeanJulian on July 22, 2014, 07:43:09 PM
anu ba pdeng maging sideline aside from networking?
partime na pde pagkakitaan while doing full time work?

there are a lot. key thing is that you should not be "choosy" or "picky" with the type of work and how much it pays off. remember, the objective is to earn money. sadly, there is no easy way to earn it. (just to add, in the end, you will surely spend much of it right away since earning it became too easy)

Now if you have certain talents / skills, then make this your cash cow. not everyone is skilled in all industries/line of work. Make use of your advantage.

otherwise, you can fall into generic/non-specialized work such as encoding data, admin/clerical, etc.


A friend asked me why I was looking for a side job. I said that the current job was a bit repetitive na, and I think I needed the extra money rin naman. She said, "Eh di magpa-promote ka kesa maghanap ng side job."


normally a job-on-the-side aka OSI (other sources of income) should be of value worth it to take up the opportunity cost for other activities. you might be sacrificing much of your time, but may not be compensated well.

and sometimes, the OSI is greater than your day-job that the day job is more for stability.