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When a She makes a tambay in the Guys' forum

Started by shestheman, July 05, 2016, 09:39:30 PM

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Hi everyone!

Whooooo err I really dont know how to start introducing myself and pasensya na sa "thread name"  ;D
Anyway, I am a woman, 28 from Davao City.

I hope I can create connections here that is to have nice exchange of thoughts. I don't know if the male species here welcomes women...haha

TBH, I'm scared to enter a forum but heck, I'll just try and experience this for myself.
One of the main reasons why I wanted to join the forum is to explore and understand the world of the male species.
Yes, and this would help me understand your kind.

I think this would be a good introduction in this community...i hope so. hehe
Hope to hear positive response from you.

