PGG Forums

Men's Fashion & Self-Improvement => Men's Style and Clothing => Topic started by: ton2x on May 26, 2010, 02:25:09 PM

Title: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: ton2x on May 26, 2010, 02:25:09 PM
hello mga ka-PGG   
this is my very first post but i have been visiting this site since last year.
i am not a fashionista but i am learning quite a lot here kasi i am still new in manila and want to learn about the style here heheh

i am conducting a survey for my school assignment. I would appreciate if you could complete the following online questionnaire for me. Here is the link....

it is supposed to take about 20 to 40 minutes (sorry a little long...) but i think for you guys, it won't take that long because you guys are used to talking about styles, grooming practices, etc.   

As long as you are males, full time employees in metro manila, you are qualified for this study.
Thank you very much guys. And have a nice summer!!!!   
Title: Re: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: ton2x on May 26, 2010, 09:14:57 PM
Some of you have already completed the questionnaire for me.
I would not know who they are as there is no way I can find that out (unless you use the same username or leave your contact...) But I would like to thank you all for your time and efforts.
I would continously wait for more of you to participate in this if OK with you...  :)

Thank you very much once again   :D :D ;D ;D

The subject is social psychology and the school is de la salle univ. I am doing my graduate study there. It will be a preliminary study for my thesis...  Thank you again  :D
Title: Re: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: ton2x on May 27, 2010, 10:20:49 PM
so far three of you have answered the questionnaire. I don't know who they are, and cannot thank you personally.
but thanks a lot! It really means a lot to me  :'( :D

hope i can have more responses (i need about 40 more...) but as i said it takes about 20 to 30 minutes so honestly i don't want to pressure you guys.... but if ok, pleeeeeez spare your precious 30 minutes for me....   ;D

@kilo, i understand and appreciate your comments... but i believe you have taken your precious time to take a look at it as you know the content...
thank you so much for your time   ;D  I appreciate that.

Title: Re: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: ton2x on May 29, 2010, 11:26:37 PM
@ One of the participants who completed the questionnaire...

Thank you for your encouragement and kind words!!!
Yes. I agree with you. Indeed that is a reason why I have become interested in this topi.
many academicians frame this phenomena by using 'sick model' by labeling men today as 'psychologically ill' or 'being feminine and alerting" without trying to listen to the real 'voice' and 'experiences' and try to understand what we've got to say.    :'(

i am hoping to find out the truth about that and deliver the voices and 'lived experiences' of men today    ;D
besides my cruiosity about finding out about other people's opinions  ;D

so far i am getting very interesting insights... and diversed also. thank you once again!!!
Title: Re: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: Seingalt on June 03, 2010, 10:57:20 AM

Wait tingnan ko.  :D
Title: Re: Groomin Practices - Please participate in my survey....
Post by: ton2x on June 03, 2010, 12:25:59 PM
@Seingalt  thanks. got it :D 
Great comments and insights!!!   ;D ;D ;D