PGG Forums

Men's Interests => General Chat => Topic started by: cudeband on June 06, 2011, 09:17:04 PM

Title: Things not to say to men over 30
Post by: cudeband on June 06, 2011, 09:17:04 PM
According to a popular forum site, there are five things that a man should not say to a woman beyond 30:

1. "The big 3-0"!
2. "You are like a fine wine"
3. "So, did you think you should be married by now?"
4. "You should really start taking care of yourself"
5. "Aren't you to old for that?"

Now, most of those are pretty expected of them. But how about for guys? what shouldn't be said to us if we are already (or already are) 30 and over?