I bet that a lot of guys out there never switch their home or car's radio to the AM frequency band. Don't worry, I'm one of them. Let's face it. It's boring. I'd rather listen to music than listen to radio news. But don't get me wrong, I get news info from other sources - TV, newspapers and even the Internet. But just not on my music player or even my cellphone. It's just not my thing.
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It has been quite some time since I last posted about gadgets here on the blog. But just recently, I was struck by Sony Ericsson's new flagship phone called the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1.
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The 3G iPhone has been so hyped these days in the technology-world but it's quite sad that here in the Philippines, no one has even tried the product yet - well except to those who bought one abroad and have it hacked here in the country. Nevertheless, it was announced that Globe is the exclusive distributor of iPhone here but until when are we supposed to wait?
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Who says you couldn't buy a decent laptop worth 29,900 Pesos? Well, anyone who said that is definitely wrong because we have this beautiful laptop from Acer - the Aspire 4310 Laptop.
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I am completely unaware of this laptop - but thanks to our guest reader, he was the one who suggested to me to talk about this topic.
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I am an Nseries user - and a certified fanatic of the entire product line from Nokia. However, I saw this 5300 phone and I thought it was cool. And yes it indeed is. I really like how it looks. It's like an Apple-Ipod phone. Colored in white and striking red, it really is an eye-catcher. I was in Megamall Cyberzone the other day when I passed by someone who owned this and I must say it's really a headturner. People will really look at your phone because it is unique and very uncommon.
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