In this post, PGG writer Jessie, presents three popular male fashion icons of today. Read on to find out who they are and add to the list your own fashion icons too.
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Whoever is pushing the latest trend on Pinoy Shirts to the mainstream market and retail stores should get an award. I have never before seen Filipino men and women wearing Filipino-themed shirts out loud and proud!
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Today, I was emailed by an Italian-American reader who stumbled upon Pinoy Guy Guide while he and his Filipina girlfriend were searching about Filipino pop-culture and lifestyle. It was very alarming when he told me that the Philippines has no originality when it comes to style and fashion. I'd like to quote an excerpt of his exact message to me below:
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While every style is unique to each person, there are just some specific fashion rules which are revised every season depending on what's in and what's out. In this article, Jessie tells us some of these fashion rules that every guy ought to follow.
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What's up with men's scarves anyway? In this post, PGG contributor Jessie, shares his point of view on the latest add-on for one's get-up.
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If you have been looking around for stuff to wear, you will notice that checkered shorts are everywhere and it has been the latest trend for the past few months.
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You know, I admire Bench because of their excellent marketing strategies. Who would have thought that they can make men wear brightly colored jeans? Take a look at the green pants below which I saw on the mannequin in their shop the other day. I have seen some people wearing them, but wait, not just "some" but many actually.
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Nowadays, it seems to me that necktie trends have gone a long way. To date, there are two different styles of neckties which are worth considering. The skinny and the ascot.
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I work in an office environment similar to those in the Makati Central Business District where the men's dress code for most offices is formal. While I was on my way to work last week, I can't help but notice some guys wearing long-sleeves and carrying a backpack. No offense meant to those who do that, but I must say that this is an absolute no-no to men's style.
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